MR1329 BEAUTIFUL CASED PERCUSSION DOUBLE BARREL CAPE GUN BY JOSEPH BOURNE; Marked “London” on top of the barrel. Gun is in good condition with most original stock varnish. Checkered forearm and wrist shows very little use. Checkered style buttplate with most original bright blue. Patchbox on the side with an engraved deer that has turned a nickel color. Lock plates are marked “Bourne”. Nicely engraved with about 75% case color remaining. The trigger guard is engraved with most original blue thinning some. The 30 inch barrels original brown finish has turned to plum/brown and show a good Damascus pattern. Rifle bores are about 40 caliber and the shotgun barrel is about 14 gauge. Excellent bores. Complete with original ram rod. An interesting sight combination fixed to the top of the barrel. Also a retractable standing sight that slides the full length of the barrel. Barrel is marked in increments. Truly unique. The wooden case has compartments with various accoutrements. Also has a hand drawn map included. Beautiful outfit!
ANTIQUE $ 8,500.