
MHG1082 UNWIN & RODGERS SHEFFIELD PERCUSSION KNIFE PISTOL; It has “Rodgers Sheffield” marking on the 3 inch folding knife. Knife is quite rusty as is the other metal surfaces. 3-1/2 inch octagon barrel is German silver and is British proofed with several dings and mars. Caliber 31. A folding spoon has replaced the smaller blade. It has a storage compartment in the butt. Grips are of horn and have a type of shellac finish. There are cutouts on each side to store a tweezers and bullet mold which are absent. A unique and interesting knife pistol sure to provide conversation.


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MHG1082 UNWIN & RODGERS SHEFFIELD PERCUSSION KNIFE PISTOL; It has “Rodgers Sheffield” marking on the 3 inch folding knife. Knife is quite rusty as is the other metal surfaces. 3-1/2 inch octagon barrel is German silver and is British proofed with several dings and mars. Caliber 31. A folding spoon has replaced the smaller blade. It has a storage compartment in the butt. Grips are of horn and have a type of shellac finish. There are cutouts on each side to store a tweezers and bullet mold which are absent. A unique and interesting knife pistol sure to provide conversation.

ANTIQUE   $ 2,095.