
24 inch half octagon barrel. Globe front sight and folding tang sight. No provision for a barrel sight. Checkered deluxe wood is in excellent condition with most original varnish. Fluer-de-lis style checkering beautifully done. Swiss style buttplate. Caliber 25-20. Nice bore. Barrel and frame have the same serial number. Appears to be all original with 75-80% blue remaining with a few minor pits. Blue is turning a little dark. The receiver is beautifully engraved in the typical Nimschke style scrolls. Lever retains a considerable amount of case color. Buttplate has turned a brown color. Receiver is silver plated and retains most of that silver, toning some. This gun has been in my personal collection for more than 40 years.


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MERZ11A   BEAUTIFUL STEVENS LADIES MODEL 47 ENGRAVED RIFLE; 24 inch half octagon barrel. Globe front sight and folding tang sight. No provision for a barrel sight. Checkered deluxe wood is in excellent condition with most original varnish. Fluer-de-lis style checkering beautifully done. Swiss style buttplate. Caliber 25-20. Nice bore. Barrel and frame have the same serial number. Appears to be all original with 75-80% blue remaining with a few minor pits. Blue is turning a little dark. The receiver is beautifully engraved in the typical Nimschke style scrolls. Lever retains a considerable amount of case color. Buttplate has turned a brown color. Receiver is silver plated and retains most of that silver, toning some. This gun has been in my personal collection for more than 40 years.

ANTIQUE   $ 9,500.