C386 VERY CLEAN MEDIUM FRAME COLT SRC IN 38 CALIBER; 20 inch carbine configuration chambered in 38-40 caliber with a very good bore. Original sights include post type front welded to the barrel with an adjustable ladder type for the rear. Barrel and mag has turned mostly a plum color. Sharp markings. Gun retains about 40% blue on the receiver turning plum. Original saddle ring. Nice crisp tight action. Walnut stock is fitted with a modified shotgun buttplate and is in fine condition with a few light mars. Retains most original varnish. Comes complete with a nice hand tooled leather scabbard that is quite elaborately done. No markings. The 44 caliber carbines are the most common while the 32-20 and 38-40 are considered scarce. This is a nice outfit made in 1891.
ANTIQUE $ 5,750.